
To empower clear, engaging communication of key concepts or selling points of your product or service, Synergy provides a solution called CoreTell. CoreTell communicates key features and benefits of your product in bite-size video. Concise yet compelling; it enhances your clients’ understanding and empowers them to make a quick yet wholesome buying

Synergy's Business Solutions


Company Profiling

Potential customers, partners and investors need to know who you are before investing in your companies, products or services. Your corporate profile video offers a glimpse of the people, the processes, and the passion behind your business. By building on your corporate image, you help your prospects feel confident about their buying or investment

Case Studies

Most of us do not believe everything we read, especially when it comes to marketing and advertising. However, there is tremendous value in the true words of your satisfied customers. When they are willing to talk about their first-hand experience and share the value they have seen in your company, product or service, their words carry a lot more credibility and weight than any others. Case studies

Sales Aid

Having good sales aid kit is paramount to having good sales personnels. Providing your sales team with good sales aid video is empowering because it equips your sales team with fast, vivid and accurate knowledge of your product, service or technology. Sales aid videos can be distributed via your corporate website or on CD.